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Muu Founder Janice Gott On Personal Style And Breast Pumps

Femtech Insider

Janice Gott Launches MUU: ‘Parenting is hard enough as it is. I just wanted an easy wearable pump that works for me.’


Revolutionary Wearable Breast Pumps: The Muu Pump is Nearly Undetectable Under Most Clothing

International Women's Day
Hometown Hustler - Out of Los Angeles - She quit her gig as a publicist to fully focus on her passion for affordable and easy wearable pump for moms on the “muuve.”

Woman playing with her toddler with Muu Pumps in her shirt.

6 women business owners share the moment they knew they 'made it'

for moms on the muuve.
for moms on the muuve.
for moms on the muuve.
for moms on the muuve.
for moms on the muuve.
for moms on the muuve.
